School Policies

Crehana N.S.  Admission Policy 

This Admission Policy complies with the requirements of the Education Act 1998, the Education (Admission to Schools) Act 2018 and the Equal Status Act 2000. In drafting this policy, the board of management of the school has consulted with school staff, the school patron and with parents of children attending the school.

The policy was approved by the school patron on 14th September 2021.  It is published on the school’s website and will be made available in hardcopy, on request, to any person who requests it.

The relevant dates and timelines for Crehana NS admission process are set out in the school’s annual admission notice which is published annually on the school’s website at least one week before the commencement of the admission process for the school year concerned.

This policy must be read in conjunction with the annual admission notice for the school year concerned.

The application form for admission is published on the school’s website and will be made available in hardcopy on request to any person who requests it.




Online Admissions Application Form  – this form may be filled out online using a tablet or iphone etc


Anti-Bullying Policy

In accordance with the requirements of the Education (Welfare) Act 2000 and the Code of Behaviour Guidelines issued by the NEWB, the Board of Management of Crehana N.S. has adopted the following anti- bullying policy within framework of the school’s overall code of behaviour. This policy fully complies with the requirements of the Anti- Bullying Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools which were published in September 2013.

The Board of Management recognizes the very serious nature of bullying and the negative impact that it can have on the lives of pupils, and is therefore fully committed to the following key principals of best practice in preventing and tackling bullying behaviour:

  • A positive school culture and climate(See Appendix1) which is welcoming of difference and diversity and is based on inclusivity; encourages pupils to disclose and discuss incidents of bullying behaviour in a non-threatening environment; involves collaboration among and between staff and pupils and promotes respectful relationships across the school community.
  • Effective leadership
  • A school-wide approach
  • A shared understanding of what bullying is and its impact
  • Implementation of education , and prevention strategies(including awareness raising measure) that build empathy, respect and resilience in pupils and explicitly address the issues of cyber- bullying and identity-based bullying including in particular, homophobic and transphobic bullying
  • Effective supervision and monitoring of pupils
  • Supports for staff
  • Consistent recording, investigation and follow up of bullying behaviour (including use of established intervention strategies) and ongoing evaluation of the effectiveness of established intervention strategies) and ongoing evaluation of the effectiveness of the anti – bullying policy.


Anti Cyber-Bullying Policy

Crehana N.S. aims to ensure that children are safe and feel safe from bullying, harassment and discrimination. This school is committed to teaching children the knowledge and skills to be able to use ICT effectively, safely and responsibly.

Understanding of Cyberbullying

  • Cyberbullying is the use of ICT ( usually a mobile phone and or the internet) to abuse another person.
  • It can take place anywhere and involve many people.
  • Anybody can be targeted including pupils and school staff.
  • It can include threats, intimidation, harassment, cyber-stalking, vilification, defamation, exclusion, peer rejection, impersonation, unauthorised publication of private information or images etc.
  • While bullying involves a repetition of unwelcome behaviour the Anti-Bullying procedures for Primary and Post Primary schools, Sept 2013  states ;

2.1.3. In addition, in the context of these procedures placing a once- off offensive or hurtful public message, image or statement on a social network site or other public forum where that message, image or statement can be viewed and/or repeated by other people will be regarded as bullying behaviour. 


Crehana  N.S. Internet Acceptable Usage Policy ( AUP)

Educationalists believe in the benefits of curriculum-based internet use. The purpose of the Internet Acceptable Usage Policy is to ensure that pupils will benefit from learning opportunities offered by the school’s internet resources, and will be protected from harmful and illegal use of the Internet.

Crehana N.S. will employ a number of strategies to maximise learning opportunities and reduce risks associated with the Internet. These strategies are as follows:

• Acceptable Usage Policy 
• Filtering/Monitoring

Pupil Access to the Internet

The school is pleased to offer the internet as an available resource to both pupils and teachers for reference purposes, researching project materials, playing interactive educational games, learning to touch-type and for lesson reinforcement. Access to online resources will enable pupils to explore thousands of libraries, databases, and bulletin boards throughout the world.

Electronic information research skills are now fundamental to preparation for living and working in this information age. The school will integrate such information as appropriate within the curriculum, and staff will provide guidance and instruction to pupils in the appropriate use of such resources, as outlined in this policy. Pupils’ use of telecommunications and electronic information will be taught and provided for from 2nd – 6th class and will only be permitted upon submission of permission and agreement forms by parents of pupils and pupils themselves.



Nut safe and Allergy awareness policy

This policy is concerned with a whole school approach to the health care management of those members of the school community suffering from specific chronic allergies that could give rise to an acute reaction, known as anaphylaxis.
Crehana N.S. is a peanut free school in order to protect students in attendance from anaphylaxis. Peanuts and all related products containing peanuts are prohibited in our school. This policy incorporates our Health Care and Risk Management Plan. Please click on the link below to read this policy

Nut safe and Allergy Awareness Policy

Child Protection Policy

The Board of Management of Crehana N.S. has adopted the Department of Education and Science Guidelines and Procedures for schools in relation to child protection and welfare. This policy is an outline of how Crehana N.S. proposes to implement these guidelines in order to ensure the protection and welfare of all children attending our school.


  • To raise awareness of child abuse namely, emotional, physical, sexual abuse and neglect, among all members of our school community including Board of Management, teachers, pupils, parents, SNA’s (Special Needs Assistant), secretary and caretakers.
  • To put in place clear procedures for all schools personnel dealing with suspicions and allegations of child abuse.
  • To identify other policy areas which need to be amended.
  • To identify curriculum content and resources that contribute to the prevention of child abuse and to enable children to properly deal with abuse if it occurs.


Child Safeguarding Statement and risk assessment- Template 1

Checklist for review of Child Safeguarding statement – Template 2

Draft Code of Behaviour Policy 2024/25

In devising the Code of Behaviour and Discipline, consideration has been given to the particular needs and circumstances of this school. The aim is to provide a framework for reasonable and responsible behaviour by all concerned, and to ensure that every reasonable effort is made to accommodate the individuality of each pupil while acknowledging the right of each pupil to education in a relatively disruption-free environment.


Code of Behaviour Policy

In devising the Code of Behaviour and discipline, consideration has been given to the particular needs and circumstances of this school. The aim is to provide a framework for reasonable and responsible behaviour by all concerned, and to ensure that every reasonable effort has been made to accomodate the individuality of each pupil while acknowledging the right of each pupil to education in a relatively disrupive- free environment.


Relationship and Sexuality Education Policy

This policy statement is an approved approach to the teaching of Relationship and Sexuality Education (RSE) in Crehana N.S. It was developed by Crehana N.S. R.S.E. Policy Committee which included two teachers, one representatives of the Board of Management and two parents representatives.
It was developed to inform teachers and parents as to what material is covered in the RSE programmme within Social Personal and Health Education (SPHE).


School Attendance Policy

Changing social habits and patterns necessitated the updating of the schools attendance policy. The redrafting was a collaborative school process involving Staff and Board of Management, following an initial draft by a representative group.

The main factors contributing to the formulation of a revised policy can be summarized as follows:

  • To Promote and encourage regular attendance as an essential factor in our pupils learning
  • Legislative requirements such as the Education Welfare Act 2000 and the Education Act, 1998
  • The role of the National Education Welfare Board (NEWB)
  • Levels of disadvantage
  • Changing attitudes to education



  • Ensuring that pupils are registered accurately and efficiently
  • Ensuring that pupil attendance is recorded daily
  • Encouraging full attendance where possible
  • Identifying pupils at risk
  • Promoting a positive learning environment
  • Enabling learning opportunities to be availed of
  • Raising awareness of the importance of school attendance
  • Fostering an appreciation of learning
  • Identify pupils at risk leaving school early
  • Ensuring compliance with the requirements of the relevant legislation
  • Developing, subject to available resources, links between the school and families of children who may be at risk of developing attendance problems
  • Identifying and removing, insofar as is practicable, obstacles to school attendance


Complaints Procedure

The Complaints Procedure for Crehana NS is outlined in the attached document.


Revised Parental Complaints Procedure -INTO/ CPSMA

Garda Vetting Forms

If you would like to volunteer or provide support for school outings, you are obliged to fill out a Garda Vetting form and return it to the school secretary for submission.

  • Forms should be returned to the school secretary marked confidential for submission to the Garda Vetting unit for processing.
  • Please print out the form double sided rather than two separate pages.

The Garda Vetting process is handled via online application only. The process should only take approximately 5 days to complete once you have submitted the application. The process is as follows:

  1. Complete the Vetting invitation form (NVB1). This is available to download below.
  2. Bring the completed form with photo ID (either passport or driver’s license) and a utility bill dated within the last six months, as proof of address. Mobile phone bills are not acceptable. The school do not keep copies of these documents on file.
  3. The school will complete the Garda Vetting Verification ID form by checking the forms of ID you have brought with you.
  4. The completed Vetting Invitation Form (NVB1) and the Garda Vetting Verification ID Form are then sent to Diocese of Waterford and Lismore offices.
  5. You will then receive an email inviting you to apply for Garda Vetting Online.
  6. When you have completed the online application, you will be issued with a reference number.
  7. All applications must be submitted online within 30 days of receiving the email invitation to apply online, otherwise you will have to begin the process again.

To download the pdf documents:

Attached are two documents, a procedure to guide you in filling out the form and the form itself.